Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Zucchini Carrot Cakes

Italian Saussage Eggplant Sauce with Spaghetti Squash

This is a nice low carb way to have your spaghetti fix.  I'm training now to lose some weight and get fit and trying to lay off the carbs.  Obviously wine doesn't count.  This is a nice hearty meal that satisfies without the guilt.

Start with a medium high pan and today some fennel seed optimization you can smell them. 

Add a pound of ground turkey and half a diced onion and a couple cloves of minced garlic, red pepper flake,  s&p and Italian seasoning.

Saute' and drain the grease.  Add a large can of diced tomatoes and a good amount of fresh chopped tomatoes if you have them.

Peel a small eggplant and dice it.  Add to sauce and check your seasoning.  Simmer for at least 40 minutes but longer if you can.

Spaghetti squash. .. cut in half,  clean out the guts,  place cut side down in a casserole dish and microwave for 10-15 mins until outside gives a little when you push on it.  With two forks,  shed immediately and lay the portion you won't be using out on a sheet pan to cool.

Serve the sauce over squash, add a little grated parmesan,  basil and enjoy!